1 Stone Place, Suite 202, Bronxville, NY 10708


Hassan Asif Brain Wellness Center

Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by recurring unwanted thoughts and anxieties (obsessions) that compel repetitive actions (compulsions). These obsessions and compulsions disrupt daily life and create considerable distress.

Efforts to resist or eliminate these obsessions typically amplify distress and anxiety, ultimately driving individuals to engage in compulsive behaviors in an attempt to alleviate stress. Despite attempts to ignore or eradicate troubling thoughts or impulses, they persist, perpetuating the cycle of OCD characterized by ritualistic behavior.

Common OCD themes:

  • Aggressive or Sexual Thoughts: involve fears of causing harm, violent outbursts, or troubling sexual imagery. Seeking reassurance about one’s morality is common, often accompanied by other compulsions.
  • Harm to Loved Ones: Some individuals worry about harm befalling their loved ones, such as fearing accidents involving family members. Compulsions may aim to prevent such harm.
  • Germs and Contamination: A prevalent OCD theme involves germophobia and excessive hand-washing or cleaning due to fear of contamination.
  • Doubt and Incompleteness: OCD can lead to recurrent doubts about whether tasks have been completed correctly, prompting compulsive checking behaviors.
  • Sin, Religion, and Morality: Some obsess over fears of immorality or sin, resorting to repetitive prayers or seeking forgiveness.
  • Order and Symmetry: People with OCD may obsessively arrange objects and emphasize symmetry or follow specific superstitions related to numbers and patterns.
  • Self-Control: Fear of losing control and behaving inappropriately can lead to isolation and avoidance of social situations, with compulsions or avoidance behaviors as a result.


Cutting-Edge Neuromodulation Therapy for OCD Relief

TMS is a promising neuromodulation treatment for OCD, particularly in patients who have not responded well to traditional medication and cognitive behavioral therapies. TMS modulates abnormal brain activity observed in individuals with OCD. It helps regulate the neural circuits involved in obsessive and compulsive behaviors. Patients experience maximal relief from obsessive and compulsive symptoms when completing 20-30 TMS sessions over the course of 4-6 weeks, though # of treatments necessary varies between patients. Patients typically experience symptom reduction in as few as 10 sessions.


Schedule an Appointment

To access cutting-edge treatment at Brain Wellness Center, you can arrange an appointment through the online booking system or over the phone (833-567-0900). Please note that while insurance is not accepted, potential reimbursement may be feasible by submitting the provided bill with CPT codes to your insurance provider.